How to making money blogging step by step
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How to making money blogging step by step


How to making money blogging step by step
Make money blogging

Suppose you have 1,000 followers, and you price your course at $20.00 Twenty-five people buy during the first week, generating $500.00 in sales in passive income. As you gain more followers and learn from buyer feedback, you create another course priced at $50.00. This time, forty-five people made a purchase, generating  $2,250. At the same time, ten people also purchased the first course, adding an extra $200.00 to your sales. Now, you have a profitable online course and cann call yourself an online business owner.

What Is a Blog?

In the early days of the internet, blogging was more akin to journaling. Some of the earliest blogs were used as a way to chronicle someone’s personal viewpoints and experiences.

Blogging has since evolved to become much more than a form of digital record-keeping. Nowadays, both businesses and individuals alike create blogs to share information and to bring in sales or commissions.

What do you need to make your blog profitable?

Bloggers can make money using a multitude of different strategies. Some require more effort than others. Most blog income streams rely on precarious conditions, such as search engine algorithms and brand budgets. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you diversify your revenue by choosing multiple methods.

Brand Partnerships
Bloggers often team up with brands to create sponsored content. This usually entails having to review a specific product or incorporate a product mention into your regular content.

Brand partnerships can be one-off deals or turn into long-term relationships based on your content’s performance and mutual interest.

Choose a profitable niche

When creating a profitable blog, the first step is to choose your niche carefully, as it plays a key role in your potential for success. 

Your niche is the main subject for your blog, allowing you to focus on a certain field and attract a specific set of readers.

Choose a Hosting Site

Choosing a web host is an essential step in creating your blog. Without a host, you won’t be able to build a website; a host is what lets you effectively “rent” a presence on the internet.

Promote Your Blog

Once you’ve published content to your blog, you can share your links. Social media is a popular and effective way to distribute your blog content. You can share links on your existing social channels, or create new accounts to complement your blog.

A niche with plenty of monetization opportunities

Start by considering the product promotion opportunities in that topic area. For example, if your niche is gardening, you can write a blog post about the best gardening tools and incorporate brand partnerships or affiliate links.

How I Started Making Money Blogging

I was looking to find my passion, but I also wanted to make money blogging. My goal was to be able to make $1,000 a month after a year of blogging. If I couldn’t do that, I would just quit this blogging business and move on to new adventures. But to do that, I had to learn how to make money blogging…

Before getting into the different monetization ways, here are some things you should keep in mind before leveraging them:

  1. While diversifying your blogging income is important, you don’t need to capitalize on all the different ways.
  2. Try focusing on one monetization method at a time. 
  3. Never scrape off a monetization method until you’ve given it enough time. 
That being said, here are the six main ways to make money blogging:

  • Advertising
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsorships
  • Selling digital products
  • Paid communities
  • Consulting and freelance writing
  • Let’s look into each of these in more detail.
